Medical Laboratory Science B.S.

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Academic Affairs (CCAA) 201 - Bachelor of Science

Program description

The BS in medical laboratory science will give students a degree that will provide life-long mobility, flexibility and opportunity. Individuals who enjoy science, solving problems, and working as part of a team may find medical laboratory science to be a rewarding career. A medical lab scientist is part of a healthcare team that performs a variety of fact-finding tests that are used by physicians in making 70 to 80 percent of medical decisions. In addition, this degree provides a great background for individuals interested in entering fields of forensic science or medicine (medical doctors, dentists, pharmacists, etc.).

Modern medicine would be impossible without the problem solving skills of medical lab scientists. MLS scientists run tests that encompass areas of clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, hematology, clinical urology, immunology, immunohematology, and molecular diagnostics. Each test run will find an additional clue in the final patient diagnosis, which will assist the physicians in determining the best treatment for the patients. Due to the national shortage of medical lab scientists, MLS graduates will have excellent opportunities in nearly all areas of the United States.

Program outcomes for graduates:

• Demonstrate competencies in the following areas: collection, safe handling and analysis of biological specimens; principles of continuous assessment of data collection and analysis; compliance with laboratory safety regulations; and ethical behavior and professionalism.
• Demonstrate oral and written communications skills.
• Effectively work with others in groups and be able to take on leadership roles when appropriate.
• Demonstrate a disposition for an entry-level, professional position in the medical laboratory sciences for the 21st century.
• Learn to think critically to solve problems.
• Evaluate published scientific studies through a context of research design.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of cultural sensitivity and awareness as it applies to the profession.

Program last updated

Fall 2023